I've been sick the last few days. Fever got to 102.0. It's been a few years since I've really been ill. I rarely get sick, and while that might seem good, it means I have bad habits when I do (insert man becomes baby when sick meme). If you're reading my newsletter, hopefully you've heard of the Shimmer Effect. Hopefully you're aware that the task of our time is to reclaim our attention from the dopamine dealers we call Instagram, Slack, Youtube, and yes, even email. Hopefully you're aware...
11 days ago • 4 min read
Announcement: I'm hosting a free webinar on Tuesday at 12pm, CST. It'll be dope. -- -- -- “I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve (or save) the world and a desire to enjoy (or savor) the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”-E.W.White Theres a struggle in me between the buddha and the revolutionary. On one hand, I see The Wasteland. Nearly half our country is obese. 300 million people worldwide are diagnosed with Depression. Millions are taking anti-anxiety medication...
25 days ago • 6 min read
I had a dream last night that I was in a movie theater with some friends. The movie had ended, and in order to leave, we had to jump into a black pit. Dream logic being what it is, I trusted this and jumped into the blackness. After the 2nd second ticked by, I start thinking to myself... "wow, this is deeper than I thought." 3rd second passes. Still falling. "oh boy this might hurt." 4th second expires. Still falling. "wow, what is this?" Then I wake up. -- -- -- It's been 80 something days...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
I wrote an article this week that I think is one of the most pragmatic and meaningfully applicable things I've created in awhile. It's called How I've written an article (almost) every week for 10 years. I've used the frame and game I share in that article for the last 10 years. It's how I write these newsletters. This is how I planted seeds a decade ago that now feeds you, me, and one day, my kids. Also, my next Mentally Fit class is open for enrollment. The first 3 classes sold out (big...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
It’s 2:42pm Sunday, January 19th. It’s getting cold here in Austin, Texas. A “polar vortex” is about to blanket the country. My weather app says 4 days of freezing. LA’s air still holds the charred remains of 40,000 acres burned, our next president just released his own shit coin that capped at 30 billion dollars; and I still can’t talk. Okay I can talk, but it hurts. Sometimes I’ll try to say something to myself when no one is around, hoping to feel my natural voice, find it's not there, and...
about 2 months ago • 6 min read
Hey yall, I just finished one of my favorite pieces of writing. It started as this week's Feasting Friday and turned into this. Check it out when you have 10 minutes. PS. I'm sharing a guided meditation everyday here. Come meditate with me (it's free). Song I'm Listening on Repeat I've listened to this 1000 times this week. No exaggeration. Podcast Highlight Yall, I can not overstate it; this is the best podcast I have ever seen where someone steel-man's someone else idea, and then...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
Sometimes I feel like a blind, deaf, and dumb bastard. Other times I feel like a prophet with a sense of humor. I write today mostly as the dumb bastard (maybe we can find the humor). Honestly, lately, I've been a mess. It's day 49 of a 78 day initiation my soul made for me. The intention of this initiation is to revivify the athlete in me. We don't have space for the details today, but suffice it to say; this revivification initiation I'm attempting is the hardest thing I've ever tried. I...
3 months ago • 7 min read
I haven't written a newsletter in the last couple of weeks. The frankness is that 3 weeks ago I did one of the deepest psychedelic journeys I've done in my life, and it has taken some time to congeal back into a 'form' that feels coherent and stable. That's my inner academic coping with writer's block lol. It has been incredibly difficult to write about my experience (for those that don't know, I did huachuma, 4 hits of high-quality LSD, and then 6 hours into the trip, did 3 rounds of 5MEO)....
3 months ago • 2 min read
I'll share more about it soon, but I'm coming out of a one of a kind medicine experience (huachuma + 400 mics of LSD + 5MEO). I did it under the supervision of a very skilled psychedelic guide and I do not recommend this, only sharing what I've been up to. The view But more importantly, I'd proud to announce that I've finished the 'Surfing The Shimmer' course. This course is 4 weeks long and it's the best I've created. You'll learn how to connect to your soul, and how to turn that connection...
4 months ago • 1 min read